Sample Letter Requesting Discount



  1. If you are making a request, the possibility of it being approved will improve if you state everything explicitly. Explain your reason for making this request. Be a bit aggressive but don't sound cocky.
  2. Ask for a complimentary service or a discount.
  3. Clearly explain the reason for requesting a discount or a complimentary product or service. If you have had a monetary loss because of the reader's mistake, give all the relevant details of your loss.
  4. Specifically, state what compensation, discount or a complimentary service you want.
  5. Ask the reader to answer your letter as soon as possible.

Sample Discount Request Letter format to Supplier These are sample Discount Request Letter format to Supplier. You can follow these letter to the partner company requesting it to offer some discount at the end of the year based on the long good relation. This is a sample letter which is a format for requesting a discount which can be issued by the customer to the retailer. This business letter can be sent via post, courier, fax or electronic mail.The purpose of this online sample letter template is to familiarize you with the right format for this kind of a cover letter and get you the best example to make a beginning. Requesting Discount on Early Payment DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998 NAME, COMPANY AND ADDRESS, ex. 1234 First Street. Anycity, Anystate 85245 Dear NAME, ex. John Smith, We are pleased with your products / services. Nonetheless, we have a request to facilitate future business together.

[Senders Name]
[Address line]
[State, ZIP Code]

Sample Letter Requesting Extension

[Letter Date]

[Recipients Name]
[Address line]
Requesting[State, ZIP Code]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

Jameson Enterprises has been your valuable customer for the past 12 years that we have been in the business. We have always come to you for our packaging needs and feel that our companies have established a strong professional relationship with each other.
For this production year, we are expecting a boom in the production of the goods we make and sell because of our recent expansion to numerous other states. It is for this reason that we would like to request a possible discount for the packaging materials that we buy from you.
I hope that you can give us a call at the soonest possible time so that we can discuss this matter further. We are hoping for your positive reply to our request. Thank you very much!

[Senders Name]
[Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional -
cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Letter to request a discount or a complimentary product or service.

Further things to consider when writing request letters to vendors

Sample Letter Requesting Documents

Request Letters

Request letters are letters written to ask formally or politely for something. Any matter that requires a humble and polite appeal can be put forward using a request letter. It could be a job interview, a promotion, or a favor; a request letter will get the job done. A request letter can be formal or informal depending on the recipient. If you are requesting a friend to do a task for you, for instance, you can choose to go informal. But if you are requesting your manager for a promotion, the letter has to be formal. Either way, a request letter must be sent early enough to give the recipient ample time to process and respond to the request.
When writing request letters, you need to be brief and direct, avoiding any auxiliary information that might weaken the message you are conveying. State exactly and clearly what you are requesting for giving reasons for it. If you are requesting for a raise, for example, explain in details why you think you deserve one. Maintain a polite tone throughout the letter. Close the letter by thanking the recipient in advance and expressing your anticipation for his/her consideration.

Letters to Vendors

Sample Letter Requesting Discount School Fees

Letters to vendors are letters written to people or companies offering goods for sale. These letters could be written to inquire information about a product, terminate a contract with a vendor, or to inform a vendor of relocating of business. If you own a company, writing to your vendors is important as it provides you and the recipient with proof that you actually requested something or took action regarding an issue. It is also an effective way to communicate sensitive information that may not be communicated on the phone.
Letters to vendors must be written in the standard business letter format and should use an official letterhead. Start the letter with a statement that informs the recipient of the purpose of your letter. Explain the letter in details providing all the important information. For instance, if you are writing to terminate your contract with the recipient, mention the date when you want to effect the change. However, if your letter is to inform the recipient of your business relocation, you should provide the new business location and address. Be brief and use a professional tone. Finish on a positive tone and sign the letter with your full name.

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Requesting Discount on Early Payment

[DATE, ex. Wednesday, June 11, 1998]


John Smith

XYZ Inc.

1234 First Street

Suite 567

Sample Letter Requesting Information

Anycity, Anystate 85245]

Dear [NAME, ex. John Smith],


We are pleased with your [products / services]. Nonetheless, we have a request to facilitate future business together.

As you know, you have been kind as to extend to us a [CREDIT TERMS, ex. 30-day credit term] for the past [DURATION, ex. year]. I’m sure that you will agree that we have always been prompt and on-time with our payments. To allow us to pay you earlier, allowing you to clear your accounts in a timely fashion, we would like to request an early payment discount, such as offered by your competitors. Indeed, you will agree that this request is not unreasonable in light of the volume of business we foresee to do together in the future.

Your timely response would be greatly appreciated.


Sample Letter Requesting For Help

[YOUR NAME, ex. Jill Jones]

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