- Weatherstar 3000 Simulator
- Weatherstar 4000 Download
- Weatherstar 4000 Emulator Online
- Weatherstar 3000 Emulator
If there is ever 2000s nostalgia, it will be for The Weather Channel and it's fleet of Silicon Graphics Weather Star XL graphics workstations pumping out glorious artistic weather calculations and chill music (or haunting modern music during dangerous local conditions). Uses NOAA and NWS data.
- 'Local on the 8s' - WeatherStar XL/4000 Emulator Nixie Tube Alarm Clock IBM Personal Wheelwriter 2 (Ultrabase Enclosure) VGA (DE-15) to RGB BNC AverKey VGA to 15Khz Composite/S-Video Converter Sharp Twin Famicom Iomega ZIP Drives Hard Drives for.
- Weatherstar 4000 Emulator Not sure if this is well known, or if anyone here would be interested, but I came across a program that emulates the Weatherstar 4000 computer (The thing that your cable company used to run their local forecasts).
- WeatherStar 4000 Emulator playing forecast for Mount Washington, New Hampshire on July 1, 2016 at 10:31 p.m.
Import H.265 Files to VLC on Mac: by ailsa100: 400: on Thu May 21, 2015 6:54 am by ailsa10 Easy way for Editing Sony PMW-EX3 XDCAM MP4 clips Mac: by ailsa100: 424: on Tue May 19, 2015 2:50 am by ailsa10 Easy way for Editing Sony PMW-EX3 XDCAM MP4 clips Mac: by ailsa100: 467: on Tue May 19, 2015 2:50 am by ailsa10 Easy way for Editing Sony PMW.
TWCClassics and The Weather Chazz
Strongly tied to The Weather Channel is their fanbase. They made a new emulator, Taiganet, which simulates a WeatherStar 4000.

WeatherStar XL
Weatherstar 3000 Simulator
Insane glitches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHH2tkrxd2s
Hurricane Katrina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2oG7nHpu4o
The Storm Alert theme by Stephen Arnold Music was utilized whenever a severe hurricane or Tropical Storm occured in a local area. It is designed to be somewhat discordant, but beautiful. If the monotone NOAA alarms didn't scare you, this did.
Weatherstar 4000 Download
WeatherStar 4000
It's the essence of the 1990s.
WeatherStar 4000 in Shreveport, MA during Hurricane Katrina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9koYltFFkF4

WeatherStar 3000
Text only. Smooth Jazz. It's all you need. All you need.
NOAA Weather Radio Computerized Voices
Various computerized voices form the backbone of the NOAA's weather radio reporting system.

Weatherstar 4000 Emulator Online
They even sing Christmas Carols.
Emergency Alert System - EASExperience
You constantly hear the EAS test system on radio and TV. What if it were real?
Weatherstar 3000 Emulator

- Gamma Ray Radiation Event - Extinction events have occured in the past, possibly from Supernova gamma ray emissions. What if it happened now?
Weather Underground on Apple IIe
Maybe simulate an 80's Weather Forecaster on an Apple IIe.